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Pretty Little Vampires

Short story.

Not All Monsters, Strangehouse Books from Rooster Republic Press.
Read author interviews: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Buy paperback: Blackwells | Amazon UK | Barnes and Noble | Amazon US

Cover for Not All Monsters from Rooster Republic Press
Cover by Don Noble


Short story.

I Didn’t Break The Lamp: Historical Accounts of Imaginary Acquaintances, DefConOne.
Read author interview about the story.
Buy paperback: Barnes & Noble | Blackwells | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon DE | Amazon CA | Amazon FR | Amazon AU.
Buy ebook at all of the above amazon links for kindle, and also: Nook | Kobo | Smashwords

The cover for I Didn't Break the Lamp
Cover by Luke Spooner

The Prime Importance of a Happy Number

Short story.

Clockwork Phoenix 5, Mythic Delirium Press.
Buy paperback: Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon DE | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound
Buy Ebook: Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon DE | Amazon AU | Google Play | Nook | iBooks | Kobo | Scribd | Weightless

Clockwork Phoenix 5
Cover by
Paula Arwen Owen

She Gave Her Heart, He Took Her Marrow

Short story.

Apex Magazine Issue 79.
Read or listen for free. Author interview about the story.
Buy issue from,, Nook, Weightless.
Subscribe to Apex at Weightless,,
Reprinted in Best of Apex Magazine Volume 1.

Apex 79
Cover by
Irek Konior
Best of Apex Magazine Volume 1
Cover by
Adrian Borda

When Shepherds Dream of Electric Sheep

Short story.

Looking Landwards, NewCon Press.
Buy from Spacewitch,,

Looking Landwards
Cover by
Andy Bigwood

What The Water Gave Her

Short story.

Fish, Dagan Books.
DRM-free e-book,,
Short story.

Cover by
Galen Dara

Robot Wars



Both flash fiction.

Point of Balance, Lemon Tree Writers.
I have a few copies left, so get in touch if you would like one (£4 plus postage).

Point of Balance cover art
Cover by Alibarbarella

Big Brother, Little Sister

Flash fiction.

Black Static 18.

Black Static 18

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